Unnamed Temple to the Perfected Warrior 無名真武廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 16th-17th century)

Unnamed Dragon Kings Temple 01 無名龍王廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 1595 [??])

Unnamed Shrines to Lord Guan, the Buddha, and the Perfected Warrior 無名關公、佛、真武廟 — (Xiahuayuan District 下花園區, 16th-17th Century [??])

Unnamed Temple to the Dragon Kings and Avalokiteśvara-Guanyin 無名龍王、觀音廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1698)

Unnamed Dragon King Temple 08 無名龍王廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 1730)

Unnamed Lord Guan Temple 01 無名關公廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th Century)

Unnamed Temples to the Perfected Warrior and the Dragon Kings 無名真武廟、龍王廟 — (Zhuolu County 涿鹿縣, 17th-18th century)

Unnamed Goddess Temple and Opera Stage 01 無名娘娘廟、戲台 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1710 or 1785)

Unnamed Goddess Temple 02 無名娘娘廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1724-1775)

Unnamed Temples to the Perfected Warrior, Wenchang, and the Three Officials 無名真武、文昌、三官廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th-19th centuries)

Unnamed Courtyard Gateway “Bookcase-Picture” 無名院宅門口“冊架圖” — (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th-19th century)

Unnamed Temple to the the Dragon Kings, the Goddesses, and Lord Guan 無名龍王、娘娘、關公廟 — (Yangyuan County 陽原縣, 18th-19th Century)

Unnamed Lineage Temple of the Liu Family 劉家族祖宗祠 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th-19th century)

Unnamed Temples to the Buddha and Lord Guan 無名佛殿、關公廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th-19th centuries [??])

Unnamed Temples to the Perfected Warrior and Dragon Kings 02 無名真武廟、龍王廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 17th-19th century [??])

Unnamed Feast of Water and Land Murals 01 無名水陸畫 — (Jia County 佳縣, 1844 [??])

Unnamed Temple to the Jade Emperor and Lord Guan 01 無名玉皇、關公廟 — (Jia County 佳縣, 18th-19th century [??])

Unnamed Dragon King Temple 02 無名龍王廟 — (Jia County 佳縣, 19th century [??])

Unnamed Dragon Kings Temple 06 無名龍王廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 17th-20th centuries [??])

Unnamed Temple to the Perfected Warrior 02 無名真武廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th century)

Unnamed Opera Stage and Village Temples 無名戲台,村廟 – (Huailai County 懷來縣, 19th Century)

Monastery of the Three Purities 三清寺 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1861-1875 [??])

Unnamed Temple to the Perfected Warrior 03 無名真武廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 1871 [?])

The Temple of the Five Gods at Chaili Village 釵里村五神廟 — (Ying County 應縣, 19th century)

Unnamed Feast of Water and Land Murals 02, Dragon King Temple 無名水陸畫,龍王廟 — (Jia County 佳縣, 19th Century)

Unnamed Dragon King Temple and Opera Stage 無名龍王廟、戲台 – (Zuoyun County 左雲縣, 1882 and late 20th century)

Unnamed Temple to the Gods of the Five Ways 01 無名五道廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th century)

Unnamed Opera Stage 06 無名戲台 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th-20th centuries)

Unnamed Opera Stage 02 無名戲台 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th Century)

Unnamed Opera Stage 03 無名戲台 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Unnamed Opera Stage 01 無名戲台 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th Century)

Unnamed Dragon King Temple 01 無名龍王廟 — (Yu County, 1898)

Unnamed Opera Stage 07 無名戲台 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th and early 20th century)

Temple to King Wuling of Zhao and Opera Stage at Zhao Village 趙村趙武靈王廟,戲台 — (Dai County 代縣, late 19th century, graffiti from 20th century)

The Temple of the Perfected Warrior at Wang and Liang [Families] Village 王良莊真武廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, late 19th – early 20th century)

Unnamed Temple to the Goddesses, the Dragon Kings, and to the Horse King 無名娘娘、龍王、馬王廟 — (Zuoyun County 左雲縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Unnamed Dragon King Temple 04 無名龍王廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, late 19th – early 20th century)

Unnamed Opera Stage Murals Depicting the Romance of the Investiture of the Gods 無名戲台封神演義壁畫 — (Yu County 蔚縣, early 20th century)

Unnamed Opera Stage 04 無名戲台 — (Xiahuayuan District 下花園區, 19th or early 20th century)

Unknown Monastery near Ren Family Village 任家莊無名寺院 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 1912-49)

The Opera Stage at East Great-Peace Village 東太平村戲台 — (Yu County 蔚縣, early 20th century)

Kang-Liner Pictures from Great Gorge-Mouth Village 大峪口村炕圍子 – (Yanggao County 陽高縣, 1970s-90s)