Unnamed Opera Stage 04 無名戲台 — (Xiahuayuan District 下花園區, 19th or early 20th century)

Location info and some photos withheld. As of my last visit, this mural site is vulnerable to theft or destruction. I have withheld the location beneath the county level and any photographs (of steles, signs, scenery, etc.) that might identify the place. If you are an accredited scholar and you have a good reason to want to see this information, email me and we’ll talk about it.

Structure Type: Opera stage 戲台.

Location: Xiahuayuan District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province 河北省張家口市下花園區. The stage is up on a little embankment outside of the village, now within the grounds of the village primary school.

Period: Undated. Late 19th or early 20th century based on style.

Artist: Unknown.

Mural Contents: As is common for opera stages in this area, the side-walls show images of opera performers drawn from famous plays. Notable about this stage is the strong predominance of woman-warriors 女俠 – although heavily damaged, it’s a great example of the “feminist stage” in rural China.

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