The Feast of Water and Land Murals at the Monastery of Redoubled Peace 重泰寺水陸畫 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1774 [?])

Opera Stage and Shrines to Avalokitśvara and the Three Teachings at the Monastery of Redoubled Peace 重泰寺戲台、三教樓、觀音廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th, and early 20th Centuries)

Unnamed Temples to the Buddha and Lord Guan 無名佛殿、關公廟 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 18th-19th centuries [??])

The Second-Lad and Feast of Water and Land Murals at Abbey-Well Monastery 觀井寺二郎、水陸齋壁畫 — (Jia County 佳縣, 1840 [??])

Unnamed Feast of Water and Land Murals 01 無名水陸畫 — (Jia County 佳縣, 1844 [??])

Mountain Peak Monastery 峰山寺 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1849)

The Temple of the Five Gods at Chaili Village 釵里村五神廟 — (Ying County 應縣, 19th century)

The Water-and-Land Hall, Kṣitigarbha Hall, Ghost-King Hall, and Hall to the Gods of the Earth and Mountains at Xinglong Monastery 興隆寺水陸殿、地藏殿、鬼王殿、山神土地殿 — (Jia County 佳縣, 1882 [??])

The Monastery of the Mountain of Enlightenment 覺山寺 — (Lingqiu County 靈丘縣, ~1880-1920)

Halls to Kṣitigarbha and Mahāvīra at Middle Avataṃsaka Monastery 中華嚴寺地藏殿、大雄寶殿 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 1916)

Unknown Monastery near Ren Family Village 任家莊無名寺院 – (Yu County 蔚縣, 1912-49)

Various Temples of Building-Peace Fort 建安堡各個廟宇 — (Yuyang District 榆陽區, 1990s)

Golden Buddha Monastery 金佛寺 — (Jia County 佳縣, 1994)

Dragon-Phoenix Monastery 龍鳳寺 — (Datong County 大同縣, 2000s)