The Temple to Lord Guan at Ever-Peaceful Fort 永寧寨關公廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th Century)

Structure Type: Village Temple 村廟.

Location: The structure was located just within the west gate of the fort, facing east down the main east-west drag. There was probably another temple facing it at the eastern end of the fort, but this is now gone and I haven’t asked what it was.

Period: 19th century, dated by style. A stele from 1846 is set into the side-wall of the structure, recording a tree-planting project in the vicinity.

Artist: Unknown.

Mural Contents: The front-wall mural shows Lord Guan (Guanyu 關羽) seated with Liu Bei 劉備, Zhang Fei 張飛, Guan Ping 關平, Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮, etc. The side-wall images show panel narratives from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義.

Other Notes: I visited this mural twice. The first time, in 2014, I took some cursory pictures with a point-and-shoot. The second time I visited, in early spring 2018, I was again allowed to photograph, but statues had now been installed courtesy of the local agricultural company, blocking important bits of the wall space and generally making things difficult.

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