The Great Temple of Huangfu Town 黃甫鎮大廟 — (Fugu County 府谷縣, 1641, 1654 [?])

The Fire God Temple of Ever-Peaceful Town 永寧鎮火神廟 — (Yanqing District 延慶區, 17th century)

Halls to Lord Guan, the Goddesses, the God of Fire, and the God of Wealth in the Great Temple of Hemp Garrison Township 麻鎮大廟關公殿、娘娘殿、火神殿、財神殿 — (Fugu County 府谷縣, 1788-1802 [?])

Shrines to Lord Guan and the Goddesses at Flower-Pot Village 花盆村關公、娘娘廟 — (Yanqing District 延慶區, ~1809 [?])

Various Murals from White-Cloud Mountain 白雲山各廟壁畫 — (Jia County 佳縣, 16th-19th Century [??])

Unnamed Dragon King Temple 02 無名龍王廟 — (Jia County 佳縣, 19th century [??])

Shrines to the Jade Emperor, Hayagrīva, and the Goddesses at Xinglong Monastery 興隆寺玉皇閣、馬王殿、娘娘殿 – (Jia County 佳縣, 19th century)

The Water-and-Land Hall, Kṣitigarbha Hall, Ghost-King Hall, and Hall to the Gods of the Earth and Mountains at Xinglong Monastery 興隆寺水陸殿、地藏殿、鬼王殿、山神土地殿 — (Jia County 佳縣, 1882 [??])

Unnamed Temple to the Gods of the Five Ways 01 無名五道廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th century)

Temples to the Three Officials, Avalokiteśvara, and the God of the Five Ways in East Great Cloud Village 東大雲疃三官廟、觀音廟、五道廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 19th Century)

Unnamed Temple to the Goddesses, the Dragon Kings, and to the Horse King 無名娘娘、龍王、馬王廟 — (Zuoyun County 左雲縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Temples to the Horse King and the Dragon Kings at Xiang Family Rise 項家塔馬王廟、龍王廟 — (Shenmu County 神木縣, 1990s)

Various Temples of Building-Peace Fort 建安堡各個廟宇 — (Yuyang District 榆陽區, 1990s)

Temple to Lord Guan at South Jia [Family] Fort 南賈寨關公廟 — (Ying County, 2002)