Unnamed Goddess Temple and Opera Stage 01 無名娘娘廟、戲台 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1710 or 1785)

Unnamed Goddess Temple 02 無名娘娘廟 — (Yu County 蔚縣, 1724-1775)

Halls to Lord Guan, the Goddesses, the God of Fire, and the God of Wealth in the Great Temple of Hemp Garrison Township 麻鎮大廟關公殿、娘娘殿、火神殿、財神殿 — (Fugu County 府谷縣, 1788-1802 [?])

Shrines to Lord Guan and the Goddesses at Flower-Pot Village 花盆村關公、娘娘廟 — (Yanqing District 延慶區, ~1809 [?])

Unnamed Temple to the the Dragon Kings, the Goddesses, and Lord Guan 無名龍王、娘娘、關公廟 — (Yangyuan County 陽原縣, 18th-19th Century)

Temple to Mount Tai at Mount-Tai-Hall Village 岱嶽殿村岱嶽廟 – (Hequ County 河曲縣, 1852 [?])

Shrines to the Jade Emperor, Hayagrīva, and the Goddesses at Xinglong Monastery 興隆寺玉皇閣、馬王殿、娘娘殿 – (Jia County 佳縣, 19th century)

The Temple of the Five Gods at Chaili Village 釵里村五神廟 — (Ying County 應縣, 19th century)

Unnamed Dragon King Temple and Opera Stage 無名龍王廟、戲台 – (Zuoyun County 左雲縣, 1882 and late 20th century)

Temple of Mount Heng at West Double Mountain Village 西雙山村恆山廟 – (Shanyin County 山陰縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Unnamed Temple to the Goddesses, the Dragon Kings, and to the Horse King 無名娘娘、龍王、馬王廟 — (Zuoyun County 左雲縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Unnamed Opera Stage Murals Depicting the Romance of the Investiture of the Gods 無名戲台封神演義壁畫 — (Yu County 蔚縣, early 20th century)

Grandfathers’ House Pantheon Scrolls in Household Shrine 家中神龕爺爺家百神卷軸畫 — (Wutai County 五台縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Temple to the Goddesses at East Brigade Fort 東團堡娘娘廟 – (Laiyuan County 淶源縣, 19th or early 20th century)

Various Paintings from Fu Village 富村分散圖畫 — (Dai County 代縣, early 20th century)

Palace of the Mother of Waters at Ever-Abundant Fort 永豐堡水母宮 – (Qiaoxi District 橋西區, 1982)

Various Temples of Building-Peace Fort 建安堡各個廟宇 — (Yuyang District 榆陽區, 1990s)

Temple to the God of Walls and Moats at Holds-the-Gate Fort 鎮門堡城隍廟 – (Yanggao County 陽高縣, 2016)